
Name: Mr. Jones, BBA

Title: Director/ Instructor


I have a background working with clients who have struggled with anger management, domestic violence, and parenting issues. I additionally have worked as a clinician with individuals who are on probation and parole. I am passionate about helping others to grow beyond their past troubles and to move forward.


CADCII (Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor-II), BIPF (Batterer's Intervention Program Facilitator), CAMS-II (Certified Anger Management Specialist-II), CDVS-I (Certified Domestic Violence Specialist-I), CPTS-II (Certified Parent Training Specialist-II), CPI (Certified Parenting Instructor), CCIS-III (Certified Crisis Intervention Specialist-II), Certified Crisis Intervention Specialist Instructor (EDGE system), CAMS Trained (Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality), GCEL1 (Google Certified Educator Level 1)


CALPCC (California Association of Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors), CAAMP (California Association of Anger Management Providers), CPEDV (California Partnership to End Domestic Violence), ABIP (Association of Batterers Intervention Programs, NAMA (National Anger Management Association), CCAPP (California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals), ACA (American Counseling Association), ATSA (Association for the Treatment of Sex Abusers), IAAOC (International Association of Addictions and Offender Counselors), ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine), BHAP (Behavioral Health Association of Providers)

Board Member:

CAAMP (California Association of Anger Management Providers)-Newsletter, Social Media, and Marketing Board Member 2022-Present

HDC (High Desert Child, Adolescent & Family Services Center, Inc.)-Associate Member 2022- Present

High Desert H&I (Hospital & Institution)-Director 2018-2020, Co-Director 2016-2018, Associate Member 2012-2016

Guest Speaker: 

CCAPP 10th Annual Convention-From Marginalized to Mainstream: The role of telehealth in Providing Equitable Substance Abuse Support for Vulnerable Populations.

42nd Annual Research and Treatment Conference ATSA-Student Blitz Transparency in Treatment: A case study of the effects of transparency in the treatment of a high-risk client.


Growth Central Training: Certified Crisis Intervention Specialist Instructor


Phone: 760-981-7449

Name: Laura Sharp

Title: Program Coordinator 


As a seasoned professional with over a decade of experience in the county's medical offices, both as a medical assistant and front office worker, I bring a wealth of knowledge to my role at New Life Facility. I specialize in meeting client needs and excel in problem-solving, always focused on providing the highest level of service. My expertise extends to overcoming day-to-day challenges, ensuring not only that the mission and objectives of New Life Facility are met, but consistently exceeded. My commitment to excellence drives me to continuously seek ways to enhance our operations and support our community effectively. 


Phone: 760-713-3720

Name: Lillian Dorton

Title: Treasurer/ Operations Manager/ Social Media Manager

Description: I have a skill for working with various platforms to present an image that aligns with the vision and practices of a company. With New Life Facility I found a company that truly cares about their clients and wants to ensure that their needs and concerns are being addressed. This is most effectively done for many through engagement in the online world. I have a passion for overseeing company’s interactions with the public through implementing content strategies on social media platforms. My duties include analyzing engagement data, identifying trends in customer interactions and planning digital campaigns to build community online. My goal is to use posts, comments and replies to engage with clients to develop a relatable company voice. 


Phone: 760-713-3720

Name: Maximilian Lopez

Title: Board Member Secretary/ Instructor / Operations Support

Description: I'm deeply passionate about guiding individuals in recognizing the decisions that may be hindering their progress towards their aspirations. My approach combines genuine care with a no-nonsense, tough-love methodology, addressing clients' conflicting behaviors and ideas head-on. With over two years of experience in the field of recovery, my ultimate goal is to foster happiness in the lives of all those I work with. Serving on the board of the New Life Facility is an honor, and I am dedicated to ensuring that it remains a safe and nurturing space for everyone to build their lives in alignment with their dreams. 


RADT-I (Registered Alcohol and Drug Technician-I)

Name: Waylon Kreneck

Title: Instructor / Operations Support 

Description: With a commitment to empowering individuals to rebuild their lives through the transformative power of education and self-driven motivation, I have dedicated over two years of my professional journey to the field of recovery. Each day, I guide and support individuals as they conquer personal challenges and embark on their path to renewed purpose and well-being. What truly fuels my passion is the alignment of New Life's mission with my own life's purpose, where the aspiration to help others help themselves finds its true resonance. 


RADT-I (Registered Alcohol and Drug Technician-I), Certified Transaction Coordinator

Name: Mark Andrues

Title: Instructor

Description: I have over 24 years experience working with the 12 steps. Currently I am a student in my undergraduate program for addictive studies. Some of my greatest experiences have been when I was working as a residential counselor facilitating groups and helping clients towards their recovery goals. Additionally, my work with people in an outpatient environment has allowed me to guide clients while they encounter the pressures and triggers of every day life. I have a dedication for helping deliver on some of the lessons I have learned in life so that others may benefit from my experiences.


CAADE (Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor)

 CAMS-II (Certified Anger Management Specialist-II), RADT-I (Registered Alcohol and Drug Technician-I)


NAMA (National Anger Management Association), ACA (American Counseling Association)

Name: Michelle Villanueva

Title: Instructora/Instructor

Descripción: Tengo una experiencia única trabajando con personas en recuperación e transformando sus vidas. Como madre, he trabajado personalmente para convertirme en un mejor ejemplo para mi hija y para que tambien ella tenga oportunidades como le sea posible en su vida. Actualmente estoy inscrita en un programa para recibir un diploma de licienciatura en estudios de adicción. Mi meta es llegar a servir y representar a la comunidad latina y a las mujeres. Trabajo a partir de un modelo centrado en el cliente porque creo en la importancia de que sean ellos quienes conduzcan el tratamiento y los objetivos educativos. En mi vida personal he experimentado algunos de los efectos que el alcoholismo y la adicción pueden tener en las redes sociales. En resumen, mi deseo es ayudar a las personas a realizar sus sueños y que ejecuten todo su potencial. 

Description: I have a unique experience working with people in recovery and in transforming their lives. As a parent I have personally worked toward becoming a better example so my child will have as many opportunities as possible. I'm presently enrolled in my undergraduate program for studies of addiction. One of my passions is to reach some of the underrepresented population in our community such as Latinos and women. I work from a client centered model because I believe it is important for clients to be in the driver seat of the treatment and educational goals. In my personal life I have experienced some of the effects alcoholism and addiction can have on social networks. In the end I want to help people reach their dreams by executing their full potential.


RADT-I (Registered Alcohol and Drug Technician-I)

Phone (Spanish): 760-503-4583
